Kris Kelso is a keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and is the author of Overcoming The Impostor: Silence Your Inner Critic and Lead with Confidence.
Trained and certified as an executive coach, Kris has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs, business owners, and their leadership teams. He is an advisor and instructor at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center, is a Facilitator / Coach with The Alternative Board, and is a contributing writer for The Nashville Business Journal.
Kris has founded multiple companies and has served on the boards of directors of several non-profit organizations. He lives with his wife and three teenaged sons in a suburb of Nashville, Tennessee.
Destination on the Left is joined by Kris Kelso, a keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and the author of “Overcoming the Imposter.” On our podcast, Kris discusses the topic of imposter syndrome, a complex causing you to believe you’re not good enough and that you’ll somehow be exposed as a fraud. Nicole covered this previously on Episode #141, but it is a topic that couldn’t possibly get enough airtime. During our conversation, Kris explains how to overcome insecurity and self-doubt so you can avoid the comparison trap that leads to imposter syndrome. Kris also provides practical examples and strategies for recognizing and stopping the imposter.
Destination on the Left is joined by Kris Kelso, a keynote speaker, entrepreneur, and the author of “Overcoming the Imposter.” On our podcast, Kris discusses the topic of imposter syndrome, a complex causing you to believe you’re not good enough and that you’ll somehow be exposed as a fraud. Nicole covered this previously on Episode #141, but it is a topic that couldn’t possibly get enough airtime. During our conversation, Kris explains how to overcome insecurity and self-doubt so you can avoid the comparison trap that leads to imposter syndrome. Kris also provides practical examples and strategies for recognizing and stopping the imposter.
Kris was inspired to write his recent book, “Overcoming the Imposter,” because so many leaders struggle with imposter syndrome. He defines imposter syndrome as the tendency to overvalue the accomplishments of others and doubt the reality of your own accomplishments or success. Nearly 70% of the population experiences imposter syndrome at some point in their careers, and it is even more prevalent among high achievers. It is almost universal among entrepreneurs, but it doesn’t get talked about often because people are afraid to discuss their doubts and insecurities. Kris wrote his book to surface this conversation and show others how to turn imposter syndrome from a liability to an asset.
Imposter syndrome is a psychological concept, which means it is largely something you can control. By shifting your perception around imposter syndrome, you can turn it into something beneficial. When you are in a situation where you’re surrounded by brilliant minds, take note of the thoughts and feelings that are coursing through your mind. Remember them, because they are signaling you’re in the right place. Remember the old saying that if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re probably in the wrong room? The feelings of discomfort and doubt can be turned into excitement and anticipation depending on how you perceive them.
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